Wednesday, September 17, 2008


First for all!

First Day of School.

Dylan started 3rd Grade!!
He walked in to find himself with 3 other girls. He was the first boy.
Katie and Robert looked to make sure he was okay, and Katie swore he was holding his breath. A little nervous to say the least. He nodded his head to say he was fine, and so they left.
His teacher, who he says he likes, had him pinned from day one, with his seat right up front next to her desk.
Desiree started the Kidergarden class at DayCare!
She is advanced! (Just like her momma)
They have advanced her to the Kidergarden class, instead of Pre-K, to keep her from getting bored. She seems to love it, and was especially excited about bringing home homework for the first time!
Dakota Grace started Big Girl class!
She has moved into the todler class.
Doing well. A social butterfly, just like her big sister!

First day of Dove Season!
Dad, Matthew, and Dylan line up for their 3 generation, annual hunting photo.

On their first outing, they walked about 3 miles for 5 birds. Needless to say not thier best catch, but still fun all in all. They will be out several times over the month, I'm sure.

First day of Fall Soccer Season!

Dylan, joining a new soccer team this fall, started the season off right with a big Win! Getting to play several post, forward to goal, they all had fun getting used to the GIANT field. This year they get to play on the regular soccer field, making the run a little farther.
Go Tigers!

Soon to come, The first day of Fall, and the first day of the State Fair!!
We hope you all are enjoying the weather after Hurricane Ike.
See ya' soon.